Texas Car Accidents Attorney..
Accidents take place in all ways and can be caused by an array of different factors, including distracted driving, pedestrians, driving under the influence, motorcycles, and more. If you have been involved in these or another type of accident that you believe was the fault of another person, do not hesitate to contact me so that I can start pursuing compensation. My office can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week. My firm also provides night and weekend appointments so that you can always get the help that you need.
We are committed to getting clients the compensation they deserve for their auto accident case involving:
- Drunk driving: A person is considered drinking and driving if their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level surpasses the legal limit. A BAC level is identified as the amount of alcohol that is in someone’s system. For individuals 21 and older, they are considered driving while intoxicated if their BAC level is at 0.08% or higher. Under the age of 21, the limit is reduced to 0.02%. Not only is a drunk driver breaking the law, but they are a considerable risk to the other drivers around.
- Head-On Collision: Head-on collisions are identified when the front of two vehicles run into each other. This typically happens when one driver goes into oncoming traffic and crashes directly into another car. Head-on collisions are known to be the deadliest type of accident and account for a significant portion of fatalities.
- Rear-End Collision: These collisions take place when one vehicle hits another from behind. The at-fault driver may have been speeding, distracted, negligent or tailgating. There may also be times in which the person in front slammed on their brakes and stopped abruptly. These accidents are common at intersections when someone doesn’t see the red light or fails to give themselves enough time to stop. These accidents can also occur on highways and freeways, when stopped traffic seems to come out of nowhere and the vehicle in the back is unable to stop in time.
- T-bone accidents: These types of accidents occur when the front of one autoruns into the side of another. If the at-fault driver hits the side of a car where a person is sitting, it can cause serious and even permanent injuries to the victim involved. T-bone accidents may happen when someone is pulling out of their driveway, pulling into oncoming traffic, turning right or turning out of a parking lot.
- Side Swipe / T-Bone: Side swipes are a prevalent issue when a car is changing lanes and doesn’t see the other driver next to them. A car may also swerve to avoid something and this can put them to close to the vehicle next to them. T-bone accidents also involve an impact to the side of the car. Rather than just swiping the other car, one vehicle drives head-on into the side of the other vehicle (making a T shape).
- Rollover: Rollover accidents occur when a car rolls onto its side or completely upside-down. SUVs are more susceptible to being involved in rollover accidents because of their higher center of gravity and narrow track width. These accidents can be caused by an impact or by the driver taking a turn too sharply. Rollover accidents lead to extreme damage and those inside can be ejected from the vehicle, or crushed under the vehicle.
- Single vehicle: Single-vehicle accidents involve only one car. Whether the driver attempted to swerve past an object/animal in the road, swerve to avoid a negligent driver, lost control because of poor weather conditions or due to mechanical problems, it can be rather difficult to get the appropriate amount of compensation for the damages and injuries that occur.
- Multi-vehicles: This type of car accident involves two or more vehicles. It can be identified as a drunk driving accident, head-on collision or even a pileup with multiple cars. The more cars that are involved in an accident, the more complicated it can become to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries or damages. A lot of accidents involve two or more vehicles and these can be incredibly dangerous. The impact of two cars hitting each other leads to significant damage to property, vehicles, and passengers. Multiple vehicle accidents can also involve pileups and it is all too common for other cars to lose control when the vehicles in front of them collide.
Common Injuries and Causes of Car Accidents
Every car accident is different, and in large part, the speed that the drivers were going and the location of the collision are determining factors in what kind of injuries result. The harm caused could be as slight as a small bruise and as severe as quadriplegia or death.
Car accident injuries are very common and come in many forms. Some injuries caused by car accidents are minor, such as cuts, lacerations, or bruises, but others can be severe or even life-changing. Neck and back injuries are some of the most common results of car accidents. Extreme cases of back injuries can result in catastrophic injuries, like damage to the spinal cord. Incomplete spinal cord injuries can cause temporary loss of feeling or motor function below the area of the injury, but complete spinal cord injuries can result in permanent paralysis.
Head injuries are also common in car accidents. Car accident victims can experience concussions, which are a minor form of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Concussions can cause dizziness, headaches, nausea, temporary amnesia, and/or unconsciousness. If more severe TBI damage is caused, an accident victim may suffer from a lowered mental capacity, extreme amnesia, permanent brain damage, and/or fall into a coma.
Some of the most commonly observed injuries in car collisions are listed below:
- Head and brain injuries
- Back and neck injuries
- Broken bones
- Fractures
- Burns
- Cuts and lacerations
- Bruises
- Spinal injuries
- Brain injuries
- Paralysis
- Knee and leg injuries
- Chest and arm injuries
- Internal bleeding
There are numerous factors that could cause a car crash to occur. Oftentimes, there are several factors involved especially when the accident results in severe injuries and fatalities. Below is a list of factors that can cause a car accident to occur:
- Alcohol
- Illegal substance abuse
- Prescription drugs
- Distraction
- Inclement weather conditions
- Excessive speed
- Reckless maneuvers
- Failure to follow traffic regulations
- Design defects in the roads
- Unfamiliar roadways
- Personal grooming while driving
- Tailgating
- Texting and talking on the phone while driving
This list is not exhaustive and there are certainly many more factors that can cause a collision to ensue. Our personal injury attorney can help you assess the damages owed for injuries sustained during a crash.
Texas car accident victims are entitled to recover compensation for the following types of economic and non-economic losses:
- Medical Expenses: Immediate out-of-pocket expenses for charges related to ambulance transport, emergency room care, doctor visits, surgery, medications, hospital care, and physical therapy are all recoverable. When future care is required, these expenses are also recoverable.
- Lost Wages: When an injury prevents you from working or prohibits you from returning to the job you had before the accident, the law allows you to recover past and future wages and related benefits (health insurance, retirement contributions, etc.).
- Pain and Suffering: This type of non-economic damages addresses the pain you experienced as a result of injuries sustained in an accident. In a jury trial, an award would be given based on the testimony of the injured party and their physicians.
- Disfigurement: When an accident has left a person with scarring or other visible injuries, a claim for disfigurement may be presented.
- Disability: When a person cannot attend to the activities they were able to before an accident, a claim for disability may be presented.
- Wrongful Death: For the family of a person killed in a car accident, the Texas Wrongful Death Act allows recovery for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and the loss of consortium (companionship).
- Property Damage: This includes damage to the vehicle involved in the collision as well as any personal property damaged in a crash, such as cell phones, computers, or other personal belongings.
- Emotional Distress: Damages may be awarded for feelings of fright, nervousness, and stress following a severe accident.
- Punitive Damages: In cases where the driver was incredibly reckless, a judge may allow punitive damages to be pursued. Unlike compensatory damages, this type of damages is intended to punish the other party. Punitive damages may be awarded in drunk driving cases or different situations involving extreme recklessness.